
We welcome you to Families of Today For Tomorrow, a Charitable organization whose focus is the family; building today's families for tomorrow and bringing hope to humanity Spiritually, Physically and Emotionally by:
Reaching the unreached in villages rural areas with the gospel of Jesus Christ
Bringing smiles to children through our mission project "A Child's Smile".
Supplying of educational materials to children in need, empower them in education
Christmas feeding Project "Christmas Meal". Hundreds of impoverished children in the northern region of Ghana are fed with delicious meal every Christmas under this project. As well each child receives a toy and other gift to take home. Impacting our youth and the needy children in our society one at a time through education and sports.
We believe children are special and can reach their highest potential in life when loved, nurtured and encouraged. We BELIEVE IN FAMILY.
Families Of Today For Tomorrow is an independent organization and Ministry. FOTFT is a border-less ministry which endeavors to work across denominations and nations, with ministries and organizations that carry the same passion and purpose.
Our Beliefs
We at Families Of Today For Tomorrow though not church, we do recognize the essential Bible doctrines upon which faith itself must be grounded. We believe the following to be such doctrines, therefore, we stand firm on this declaration of our beliefs.
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the fully inspired Word of God, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and practice.
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary.
We believe that man, was created in the image of God, rebelled against his Creator, and thereby incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God; and that all are sinners and share in the common consequences of sin.
We believe that our there a loving heavenly Father who desires not the death of sinful men, therefore He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
We believe that eternal life is the free and gracious gift of God, made possible by the redeeming blood shed in the death of Christ on the Cross; and that faith in the finished work of Christ at Calvary is the only means of salvation.
We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord; and in His ascension into Heaven where He now serves as High Priest and Advocate for all believers.
We believe in the great commission of Christ to His disciples to go into the world, the highways and the byways preaching the Gospel to all men. (Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18, Luke 24:47)
We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to claim His Holy Bride, the Church.
We encourage you to visit our Webpages for more information
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